Spanish Words and Phrases For Going Fishing And Seafood Lovers


In today’s Spanish lesson, I will cover some helpful Spanish vocabulary words for “pescadores” (fishermen). In fact the Spanish vocabulary words that I will cover in this lesson are very helpful words to learn not only for students of the Spanish language who like to go fishing but also for students of the Spanish language who like to eat fish.

About a month ago, I received an email from a customer who wrote:

“Patrick, I like to go fishing. I thought it might be interesting if you cover some vocabulary for going fishing in one of your emails.”

Well, last week I went fishing in a small lake here in Medellín. I didn’t catch “nada.” But I did find myself using some vocabulary words that you may find helpful if you like to fish.

1. Anzuelo – hook

El pez tragó el anzuelo.

The fish swallowed the hook.

2. Caña de pescar – fishing rod

Compré una caña de pescar para ir a pescar.

I bought a fishing rod to go fishing.

3. Cebo – bait

El pescador pone lombrices en al anzuelo como cebo para atraer a los peces.

The fisherman puts worms on the hook as bait in order to attract fish.

And here are the names of certain types of fish:

a. Trucha – trout

b. Róbalo – robalo (Pronounced and written “róbalo” in Colombia — with the first syllable stressed. But in some other parts of Latin America it is pronounced and written “robalo” with the stress on the next to last


c. Pargo rojo – red snapper

d. Tilapia – tilapia

Before I go, I want to warn you of a very common mistake that native English speakers make when learning Spanish..

“Fried fish” is NOT called “pescado fritado.” “Pescado FRITO” is the phrase for “fried fish” (emphasis added). Or as some Spanish speakers say in very informal or conversational Spanish: “pescao frito” (sic).

Before ending today’s Spanish lesson, here’s a tip to help you increase you vocabulary in Spanish. Always carry a pen and pad or a smart phone with you when you are around Spanish speakers. That way if you hear a word or phrase that you are not familiar with, you can write it down before you forget it.

And this concludes today’s Spanish lesson covering helpful Spanish vocabulary words for “pescadores” (fishermen), and students of the Spanish language who like to go fishing and students of the Spanish language who like to eat fish.

